Health Check for those aged 45-49 years!

Health Check for those aged 45-49 years! As the years continue to tick by, our bodies and health change. Entering middle-age often presents the first sign of a host of new health challenges for many people. So understanding your current health status can help you navigate the next phase in life. At Bribie MediPlus, the […]

What you need to know about the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN)

Extended Medicare Safety Net

What you need to know about the Extended Medicare Saftey Net (EMSN) The Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) is designed to help lower your out-of-pocket medical costs for out-of-hospital services. It consists of two thresholds which are calculated over the calendar year (1 January to 31 December), and which resets each year on 1 January. […]

Men’s Health Week 2023

Men’s Health Week 2023 At Bribie MediPlus, we’re celebrating Men’s Health Week in 2023 (12-18 June) and this year the theme is all about Healthy Habits! Living with ‘Healthy Habits’ isn’t just about breaking bad habits, but also about forming good ones. Research shows that whilst habits take time to form (and break), creating healthy […]

2023 Flu Season Has Arrived

2023 Flu Season Has Arrived Following an intense and deadly flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, the Australian Government and peak medical groups like the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) are strongly advocating that all who can get vaccinated in 2023, as early as possible (1). Influenza is most prevalent in the Southern […]

How to make healthy eating easy

How to make healthy eating easy Eating healthy means giving your body the right energy and nutrients to support your long- and short-term health outcomes. On your table, this looks like a range of wholesome and nutritious foods that you love and want to eat. What does ‘diet’ mean? When we hear the word ‘diet’ […]